
Our church is a place where all are invited in to discover who God is and the purpose He has for all of us in His story. We think church should be one of the most engaging and exciting places on the planet— a place where people of any and all backgrounds can experience a God who is real and relevant in their lives today. 

And that's exactly what we want to help you do! 

More than anything, we want you to get to know Jesus and feel welcome at Peace Fellowship. Be sure to contact us with any questions you may have. We can't wait to meet you!

What can I expect when I arrive?

When you arrive, park anywhere you'd like. There are several handicap spots available near the building. If you need to use the elevator, just go to the white entrance on the east side of the building and there will be someone inside to welcome you and point you in the right direction. Otherwise, just head to the main entrance and we will be happy to meet you there! Check out these pictures to get a visual of our entrances. 

Place of Worship

What are your services like?

For more information on service times and what to expect at each service, click here


What should I wear?

Above everything, we want you to feel comfortable and welcome at Peace Fellowship. Whether you feel more comfortable dressed up or dressed down, as long as you are here, you are welcomed and accepted. 

Alternate Money Bill

Will I be asked to give money?

Those who chose to give can place their gift in the offering plate after church, but no one is pressured in any way to give, especially our guests. We do believe that financial support is part of being a committed church member. Through the money we receive, we can further our mission and reach our community. 

Question Circle

What if I have other questions?

If you have any questions that weren't answered here, we want to hear from you! Head over to our contact page and get in touch. We can't wait to talk with you!