Hope Central Advent Food Collection

For the month of December, Hope Central is asking for different food items to support Warrick County families. Below is the list of the items needed. Food can be brought to the church & will then be delivered to Hope Central!

12/1 Box or Bag of Cereal

12/2 Peanut Butter

12/3 Stuffing Mix

12/4 Boxed Instant Potatoes

12/5 Macaroni and Cheese

12/6 Canned Fruit

12/7 Canned Tomatoes

12/8 Canned Tuna

12/9 Dessert Mix

12/10 Applesauce

12/11 Canned Sweet Potatoes

12/12 Cranberry Sauce

12/13 Canned Beans

12/14 Box of Crackers

12/15 Package of Rice

12/16 Oatmeal

12/17 Spaghetti Noodles

12/18 Can of Spaghetti Sauce

12/19 Chicken Noodle Soup

12/20 Tomato Soup

12/21 Canned Corn

12/22 Canned Mixed Vegetables

12/23 Canned Carrots

12/24 Canned Green Beans